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Section 1/7: Truth Section Summary

Relativism Unmasked

Belief Relativism Truth

Here are three reasons relativism doesn’t work:

  • Two people with “truths” that contradict can’t both have the truth. One may believe God exists and the other believe He doesn't. The truth is either that God exists, or He doesn't – but not both. Therefore, both people aren’t able to have their own truth.
  • The claim “all truth is relative” contradicts itself. If, ALL truth really is relative, then that very claim is relative. This means it’s not always true that truth is relative. To avoid this, the relativist must say that some truth is absolute - that is, all truth is NOT relative!
  • Relativism makes knowledge nonexistent. Learning requires something to learn.  If everything is relative, it’s impossible to move from a state of “not knowing” to “knowing,” because there is no absolute object of knowledge (or lack of knowledge).